November Podcast Review – Marketing School Neil Patel and Eric Siu

I have decided to start a monthly podcast review where, each month, I give my thoughts on a podcast that has helped my business. I listen to podcasts while I cycle or drive to the office or if I am chilling in the hot tub and I find them a great source of information and inspiration.

Today I am going to talk about:

Marketing School with Neil Patel and Eric Siu

Marketing School is a relatively new podcast, but it brings considerable experience in online marketing. Neil is an industry veteran with several well-known sites that include:,, and Eric is the host of the show and also CEO of and founder of Growth Everywhere. They both bring a wealth of online marketing knowledge to the podcast in bite-sized chunks that are usually less than 10 minutes long.

The format works really well. You get a lot of information for very little time investment, although I often end up re-running some of the podcasts just to make sure I have taken everything in. It helps that there is a detailed summary of the podcast description in the iOS podcast app, which I use. Topics range from SEO to social media marketing and from blogging tips to lead nurturing, and the podcasts are aired on a daily basis, so you should have no problem finding a topic that interests you.

Neil and Eric bring there opinions and advice to each episode and will often have slightly different views on a particular topic. This makes the information more real. You definitely feel that you are getting their advice rather than a sales pitch.

The name Marketing School is appropriate. You could spend a whole lot of money on a coaching course and not learn as much as you do from these podcasts. I found that I was constantly learning new tools and techniques that I could apply to my business. It may not be as valuable to someone with an established online business, but still worth a listen if you find a topic that you are not an expert in.

Here are some links to some of the episodes I found particularly interesting:

How to Design Lead Nurturing and Lead Scoring Campaigns | Ep. #99

How to write a Detailed Blog Post in less than 2 hours | Ep. #86

Neil and Eric’s Favorite Marketing Tools (and Why) | Ep. # 61

How to Monetize your Blog | Ep. # 25

How to create a Marketing Funnel for Best Results | Ep. # 17

My focus is very much on tools and automation so I have considerable interest in these topics. I encourage you to subscribe to their podcast and I am sure you will find the material that interests you.

I hope you find this review useful. I shall be writing reviews of more of my favorite podcasts in later articles. If there is a podcast that you really like, please mention it in the comments section and I will check it out.

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