Web Chat, Sales Funnels

How To Use Web Chat In A Sales Funnel

Web Chat is not new. Likewise, pop ups have also been around for some time. Both can be effective and annoying in equal doses. Pop ups have also been shown to incur the wrath of Google’s search algorithmn recently, causing pages to be penalized in search results.

Well now there is something new, that combines the two, with some very positive results.

I recently received an email from Derek Halpern of Social Triggers. I am on his email list, so no great surprise there.

The headline caught my attention:

Top 10 highest open rate emails of 2017

Ironically, the headline caused me to open the email and take a look at the contents.

The contents were brief and to the point, as follows:

Brief, but very clever. The email didn’t really contain enough information to address my curiosity, so I clicked the “Read This” link to find out more.

Here is a link to the landing page:


It contains some good information, that I found useful, so I thought you might like it.

A Simple Web Chat Funnel

While I was reading the article a chat window opened up. It was in the bottom corner of the page, so didn’t obscure my view, but it did get my attention. It was a quick message from Derek. Obviously an automated chat message, but personal enough to get me to participate.

Here is how the chat went:

On clicking the chat box a brief quiz appeared.

I am still focused on growing my subscriber list, so I clicked “subscribers” and was given a link to download an ebook on how to get 5,000 subscribers.

Clicking on the link brought me to another landing page and the opportunity to download the book. I needed to enter my first name and email address even though Derek had sent me an email in the first place. I suspect that this chat-based funnel is also used for traffic that doesn’t come from emails. I am sure it works equally well behind a Facebook Ad or Tweet.

The whole process was automated and seamless.

I got two valuable pieces or content: the web article and the ebook. Derek was able to gauge what I was most interested in. i.e. building my subscriber list.

If I had selected “customers” in the quiz, I would doubtless have received a different offer and been place in a different segment of Derek’s list.

Landing Pages, Chat and Email Automation

So you may be asking, “how easy is this to put together?” The answer is, “not too difficult, with the right tools.

Derek has his choice of software, but I recommend Kartra, RightMessage and ConvertKit. 

Kartra is my go to landing page creation tool. I also use it to create forms and thank you pages.

RightMessage is my preferred Web chat software. I works in a similar way to the software that Derek uses. It pops up in the bottom corner of the screen and can be set to chat automatically.

Kartra is my email automation tool. I use this to build email campaigns and also segment my subscriber list. I also recommend ConvertKit if you are looking for a product you can start with for free.

How To Build A Web Chat Funnel.

In the next few articles, I am going to take you step by step through how this funnel can be put totogether, so keep an eye out. If you want to be sure to get them Click here to subscribe</a and I will send them to you.

Smart Passive Income Web Chat Funnels

I am going to take you through how Pat Flynn, from Smart Passive Income, uses RightMessage on his Website.

Pat has set up RightMessage with a series of questions that segment his site visitors and get them into the sales funnels for his top online courses.

Pat’s courses are:

  • 1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing
  • Email Marketing Magic
  • Power Up Podcasting

and this is how he uses RightMessage to find out which course a site visitor may be interested in.

Once a new visitor lands on the site, this appears:

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